Reporting and Confidentiality


大学认识到并非每个人都会选择向大学提交正式报告. When consulting campus resources, 社区成员应该意识到保密性和强制性报告,以便做出明智的选择.

Holy Family University Incident Reporting

Reporting Prohibited Conduct to the Title IX Coordinator, Deputy Title IX Coordinator, and Nondiscrimination Coordinator

The Title IX Coordinator, Deputy Title IX Coordinator, 非歧视协调员可接受关于可能构成歧视的行为的报告或投诉, Harassment, or Retaliation. Title IX Coordinator, Deputy Title IX Coordinator, 和非歧视协调员也可以与任何个人会面, including a Complainant, a Respondent, or a third party, to provide information, on- and off-campus resources, and various procedural options. The Title IX Coordinator, Deputy Title IX Coordinator, and Nondiscrimination Coordinator can be reached, and Reports and Complaints can be made, through any of the following channels:

Marianne Price, Dean of Students & Title IX Coordinator
Campus Center Room 209, Philadelphia Main Campus
9801 Frankford Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19114
267-341-3204 |

La-Riese Eldridge-Garcia, M.Ed., Associate Dean of Students / Deputy Title IX Coordinator
Campus Center Room 208, Philadelphia Main Campus
9801 Frankford Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19114

学校建立了一个在线报告系统,以接收基于性别的骚扰和其他形式的禁止行为的投诉, and the system has the option of reporting anonymously. 如果你想在网上提交报告,你可以在以下网址提交:

Anonymous reports are accepted but can give rise to a need to investigate. The University tries to provide supportive measures to all Complainants, which is impossible with an anonymous report. Because reporting carries no obligation to initiate a formal response, 大学尊重投诉人的要求,除非对健康和/或安全构成重大威胁,否则不予受理, 投诉人在很大程度上可以控制自己,不应担心隐私的丧失,因为他们可以通过举报让大学讨论和/或提供支持措施.

Internal and External Inquiries

关于民权法在十大网络彩票平台大全的应用或关于本政策的问题,可以直接联系第九条协调员,也可以直接联系美国教育部民权办公室(“OCR”)。, contact for which follows.

Office for Civil Rights (“OCR”)
U.S. Department of Education
400 Maryland Avenue, SW Washington, D.C. 20202-1100
Phone: (800) 421-3481
Fax: (202) 453-6012
TDD#: (877) 521-2172

Confidential Resources

十大网络彩票平台大全鼓励所有社区成员尽快报告任何被禁止的行为事件,以便大学能够有效应对. The University recognizes, however, 并不是每个人都会选择向大学或当地执法部门举报. When consulting campus resources, 社区成员应该意识到保密性和强制性报告,以便做出明智的选择. On campus, some resources can offer confidentiality, 分享选择和建议,但没有义务告诉任何人,除非报告的人希望他们这样做. 明确要求其他资源向第九条协调员报告被禁止的行为事件.

机密通信是指与属于某些职业的个人(如医疗保健提供者)交换的通信, professional counselors, 或牧师顾问),这需要在提供专业服务的背景下保持对个人披露的通信的机密性. Such individuals cannot disclose the content of those communications, or records of same, to any third party without the disclosing individual’s prior written consent, 或者如果法律或相关职业道德义务允许或要求(如“警告责任”). These communications are privileged under Federal or State law.


Philadelphia Main Campus, Delaney Hall, Center for Wellness & Spirituality
Director of Campus Ministry and University Pastor
Philadelphia Main Campus, Campus Center, Room 224

保密雇员还包括进行经机构审查委员会(IRB)批准的人类受试者研究的个人,这些研究旨在收集有关歧视的信息, 关于在进行批准的研究过程中披露的信息.

当有人告知保密员工可能构成禁止行为的行为时,保密员工不需要通知第九条协调员, including Sex Discrimination, 如果该信息是在保密员工在其职责范围内履行职责时提供的.

Importantly, Confidential Employees still must, 在收到可能构成被禁止行为的行为的信息后:

  • explain that they are a Confidential Employee;
  • provide contact information for the Title IX Coordinator;
  • explain how to report Prohibited Conduct; and
  • 告知披露个人,第九条协调员可能能够提供和协调支持措施, 以及根据申诉程序启动非正式解决程序或调查.

Mandated Reporters

All Holy Family University employees, including faculty and staff, are Mandated Reporters of Prohibited Conduct. For the avoidance of doubt, volunteer coaches are Mandated Reporters, 同时也是大学雇员和/或担任社区助理职位的学生也是如此, orientation leader, and/or graduate assistant.

保密员工在其职责范围内行事,保密适用除外, 所有十大网络彩票平台大全员工都有义务及时向第九条协调员报告事件. 被授权的报告人不需要从据称受禁止行为影响的个人那里得知可报告的信息,就可以报告. 无论接收方式如何,授权报告人都必须报告其收到的信息, including through a third party. 为履行指定记者的义务,指定记者不允许进行匿名报道.
